Poor immigrant makes good is an such an exaggerated American trope

Seen the Sundar Pichai video on Class of 2020? It's all over social media.

I'm conflicted about the adulation such messages receive here in India. 

On the one hand, they are well meaning stories of hope and optimism by outstanding achievers.

But they all seem to follow the same script of poor-immigrant-makes-big whether the trope is true or not.

I get it, economic refugees from India are grateful to their adopted lands.

But why exaggerate the contrast to make the point?

Bright kids in India go to America on scholarships. They are not poor, they are middle class. Their parents are doctors, engineers, civil servants, teachers or other professionals. So why make up stories about constrained childhoods?

Do well, my NRI and OCI friends. Make the world a better place. I respect the ability and hard work that got you from here to there.

But keep it real. Do not spin a fairy tale to impress your new country. 


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